Rabu, 27 November 2019

Students' Presentation in Healthcare situation

HEALTHCARE EXHIBITION: Improve comfortable zone for students to present Healthcare Presentation in front of audience 

Though the project is group work, feeling anxious is a part of students’ problems where they have to show their capability in speaking by presenting a healthcare education in front of examiners and visitors. They feel worried about their oral and graph performance as they are to explain the topic, show procedures and answer the examiners and visitors’ questions related to the topic. On the other hand, the facilitators who teach them may find difficult situation where they have to be able to bridge the syllabus target and the students’ preparation before the-day. Here are some points that facilitators can do to reduce students’ anxiety by doing the following activities. 

1.     A closer look to Healthcare Exhibition
Students studying in intermediate level learn how to prepare a healthcare exhibition at the end of the class. They have to be able to deliver healthcare presentation including the opening stage, main activity and closing stage. To make easier for them, it is useful for the facilitators to explain what Healthcare exhibition is, what the purposes of the exhibition are, what they are going to do on the d-day, what they have to prepare for the project before the event and what kinds of English skills they have to master. Show some pictures related to the exhibition and video of other students’ performance will help the students to get pictures of the event.
2.   Becoming helpful facilitators
There are some roles of facilitators that can help students well-prepared on the exhibition. First, they are planners. They have to prepare and think through the lesson in detail before teaching so it has variety for different learners in class. Next, they become informers. They have to be able to explain the topics, the material or even the activities they are going to do during the level. Then, they have to be able to become monitors. They should go around the class during individual, pair or work group activities and check learning. They also become involvers. They must make sure that learners take parts in each meeting activities. Besides, they have to be friends for learners to comfort them when they have problems with the project. They have to be diagnosticians who are able to recognize the cause of learners’ difficulties with the lessons and project and the last but not least, they are resources for the learners to help and advice them in completing the project.
3. Progress Check
This is the activity that takes an important part during the class period. Checking students’ work will help them to find out what kinds of mistakes they have done and what they have to do to fulfill the checklist work done. Facilitators monitor students’ work by scheduling the activities they must do for each meeting, starting from selecting the topic, writing the first draft for the leaflet, checking the grammar and pictures, posters and feedback session to improve their work. In addition, these activities can be done at the first ten to fifteen minutes before students study the topic. The facilitators should remind them to be proactive in completing the work and the progress check will show the learners’ active participation during the learning process. 
             4. Final Group Preparation
This is the last job that the facilitators do before the show. They have to make sure that each group work is ready to exhibit the presentation. The facilitator must check their work by having the following checklists. Each group has prepared the leaflet and already made correction on grammar, pictures, display supporting the pictures and resources.  Next, each group has already prepared the posters such as pictures and phrases they are going to put. The last is checking each group readiness in presenting the topic and answering questions from the facilitators. Make sure that the students do not read the leaflet or other writing. They have to explain the topic fluently and accurately though they speak simple language.

5.   Healthcare Education Show

Here we are! The real and fun activities finally become true. The students show their work here and try their best to present their topic with the aids (display). They are also ready with the accessories, souvenirs for the visitors and the most important thing is their English.  On the other hand, there is one thing to remember for each facilitator before the exhibition that they should ask students to decorate the room. Starting from welcoming banner to invite the visitors to come and enjoy the time with them. They stay in each booth or stand and set the posters, leaflets, display and souvenir attractively. Then, they have to follow the welcoming speech from the facilitator, meeting the examiners and opening the exhibition. Building a cozy and comfortable place for both the examiners and the students will help them to practice their English better and have opportunity to explore their knowledge when answering the audience’s questions. Remember that encouraging the students’ self confidence during the exhibition will make them easier to face the stressful atmosphere and congratulating their work will help them to keep smile.

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