Kamis, 25 November 2021

Bunda Salihah #7 Appreciation on Action Project

 A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. ~ Colin Powell-  former U.S. Defense Secretary


Many days we have,  many plans are scheduled, big efforts have been shown, many activities are done, lots of hopes are put to be parts our support to realize our project, still we have not got sweat pouring our body yet, and we cannot mention that we have completed the target - Veztifal team

The project that I have been doing in team for three months are parts of our first milestone which mean that we make a plan for the first quarter and we do some activities to accomplish until December 2021.

Learning by doing is our strategy to move. By learning technology, applications and designing the contents, we  also socialize our program via Instagram, You tube and Facebook. However, we are still trying hard to design our website. In the other hand, we feel the spirit of our passion in sharing our knowledge and experience in English skills. We feel proud every time we upload our work via social media and we also get some input from our subscriber to improve our quality performance on design, application and content material. For the past four months we have been running our projects, we have some insights, lessons and ideas on how we can keep on efforts and work harder for the next milestone. We believe that what we have been doing so far is part of dream to be true and we have made some milestones to do our step by step target.

Our passion of sharing is English and how English can be part of our soft skills to enable us to compete in DUDI (Industry and business field), There are data that shows the need of English is important to be able in international atmosphere and it is stated on https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/712934/kepentingan-berbahasa-inggris-jelang-mea that ASEAN Economic Community or MEA has been applied since 2015. It means that International companies take part in our country and they will need skill workers that also have the ability in English. Meanwhile, our graduates' proficiency in English in 2016, for example, was on the 32nd out of 72 countries. Then, in 2021, the level is on the 80th out of 112 countries with low level English proficiency. The other obstacles that our generation still remain is self confidence and fluency in speaking English. From this point, I have an idea on how to take part in improving our skills in English. I have an initiative idea to have a project dealing with English skill, I give the name of VEZTIFAL SHOW project and I invite some member who have the same ideas to run the project.

We start the project with the first milestone. Here, we are learning by doing. We learn how to sharpen our skill in soft ware and we up load all of our events at the same time. As long as the first quarter, we need to analyze the social impact toward our actions. There are three reasons to share. Firstly, Our project is a part of our soft skill support in English that will back up our generation to be self confident and able to compete in work field. Next, is the actions on our project is step by step event. The last but not least, the skill of English is going to be improved through training and education that improve the  man power. The social impact of this first quarter is how to socialize our mission and how to motivate ourselves to speak up. 

Along with the social impact, we also design our theory of change for our project. It starts from the input. If we have stationeries, laptop, gadget, supported tools, content material, and trainer we are able to hold and run good activities, If we regularly run socialization, motivation and event, there will be good responses from the followers, subscribers. If the audience have good responses, we could invite them to join our activities and they are willing to practice simple English in daily life. If the audience are self confident to speak up they have got more spaces and opportunity to meet others who have the same passion to practice English in a community. We realize that the challenge must be put in the logic model

The logic model, eventually give us ways to think back and look at the fact and data and then we could be able to put efforts on programs, events and how to manage them in a good time line. We are team who must be responsible to run every thing in a good way and how each event give good impact not only for us but also how our passion can match the need and the data resources and how we are responsible to our project.

We realize that this project has long way to go. There are many kinds of challenges to conquer. We believe that every program has risks. We have to design our project and design risk management. We hope we could successfully run every event. However, we also have to see the probability ad the impact as well as the risk response. We also have made strategy to keep up our project.

All of we have done so far still in the process of learning by doing. This is my first experience to publish or release our action in project. After all, we have to make sure that we accept any risk and manage it as good as possible. We evaluates which ones should be stopped, which ones should be continued and which ones should be started.

This is not an easy task to have a project and t find out that what we share will give fruits at the end. We are still learning, especially on time management, hard and soft skills and how to hold every event that is suitable for the audiences.

We still have time to be much better and better day after day. We will try hard and prove that what we share as our passion will give beneficial moment for all members or audiences who need English in DUDI. We realize that dream doesn't become through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.











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