Minggu, 04 Juli 2021

Bunda Salihah #1 Find out your obstacles




 Here I am now. I never thought that I will be here on this class with the sparkling, prospective IP members who have the same motivation. YOU CAN YOU CHANGE. On this first assignment, We have to find our biggest obstacles that actually I have been experiencing that make me sometimes stuck and postpone the target. There are some points that I will share here and hopefully, I have already select the biggest problem and how to map it, then searching the roots of the obstacles and of course the way outs to overcome the uncomfortable zone. 

The first thing first to discuss here is identifying obstacles. Among many obstacles I have got individually, family or in my working space is time management. I must admit that I got difficulty to manage my time especially when my mood is down or I feel tired when I wake up early in the morning and get headache when I imagine the range of my routine activities as a mother dancing on my mind. In addition, I have limited time to do all those housing work. I set the time to complete and I must change my focus when I am at the office. However, I have been working from home for more than a year, then it will become my other obstacles to manage my work target and serve my children at the same time. Next obstacle is I am an introvert person. Whenever I put together in a meeting either in my housing environment or other public occasion, I usually withdraw my self and be quiet as I think I don't have strength to show off through giving info and explaining something. I will answer the questions when they ask me. Meanwhile, I always feel less confident when I am making joke and want to make warmer atmosphere as I am worried to make mistakes and I also less initiative to take an action or just send ideas to do. The last but not least, My job is an English instructor and I usually like to see others who have good at public speaking and I try to be a copy cat to check that I am also good at that one.

Here are the way I know that I have those obstacles. I want to be a perfect person in many parts for my self, family, my environment and as well in my job. In fact, I'm trying to do my best to cover all of the weaknesses. I could complete my all target work in a deadline moment. As all ideas coming up easily and then I could send or submit all my project on time. When I am among the neighbors, I prefer to keep quiet and show my facial expressions to show my attention. Another thing when I get involved in a social activity, I tend to be careful to give ideas as I avoid the mistake. Meanwhile, I like to imitate others to improve my teaching or training performance. That is why I usually duplicate the way of speaking or explaining a topic.


All I work as a wife, mother and an English instructor must be done based on the clock time. Next, to handle my nervousness among my neighbors, I am trying to have a chit chat and talk a little to break the ice. The rest, I will show my friendly face and facial expressions to show my attention to the topic discussion. To participate in action, I usually offer my aid and avoid spontaneous saying.  The way of being copy cat is when I feel satisfied with my performance when I promote or explain a lesson or a topic.

In conclusion, I have four obstacles that have to be solved by my own self. Time management, deadline, introvert and a copy cat persons become my big homework to conquer and this is the right moment to change and become a better personality. Next step is to identify the root of the obstacles. From this part, I put the obstacles into big obstacle, goes to root of obstacle 1 and then see the Result.



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