Senin, 30 Agustus 2021

Bunda Salihah #4 Determining Goals and Resources



“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

Ken Blanchard

There are many ways to get success and there are many efforts to reach every goal. However, as long as we think and so smartly, we could do much better than we make unclear planning with random targets. The worse is when we find ourselves in a deep failure because of our weakness strategy and bad planning. It is time to plan and work systematically in a good order by applying SMART method. 

According to SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bone) goals are established using a specific set of criteria that ensures your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.  Here, we have discussed in team and have the same point of view about our goals that must be included the method. Here are our activities to formulate the SMART method. In addition, the benefits of this method for us in team is not only becoming organized people in team but also we will consistent to do all of our plan, process to accomplish the target. 


    We believe that when we have specific target and goal, we could do all the activities in a good order and the most important thing is focus or consistent. We are going to be discipline to do the steps we have set and we could evaluate which part of or work has to be improved and which one should be criticized. So, in this part of our activity is to drill ourselves on improving our soft skills in technology to improve our performance in our project later. To get the picture of this part, we design a series of questions using WH- Questions:

What are our goal and target?
When are those going to be completed?
Where is the project going to be executed?
Who are going to be involved in the team's project?
Why must the project  be completed?
How does the project complete / run smoothly and well?

In general, Here is our goal and project for this stage:
" We practice and drill our soft skills related to technology independently and practice English session together to boost our performance" 

Note: The short term project is our own selves.


   Measurable point is our concern. We have regular activities with a bunch of tasks and duties. We also talk about the target based on our time management. To cope with other works and maintain the harmony of our daily activities, we agree to put weekly target to complete our tasks. We have discussed to show our work result on our weekly meeting.


Since there are two of us in our team, so we make an agreement that what we are going to do, practice and improve is related to our technology skills. I do thank to Allah that I have got some training on Canva and Quiziz. I got a lot insights and inspirations from the training. So, I am sure that I can practice more on how to maximize the technology before showing off our project to the public. Meanwhile, my team is good at kinemaster and other video editing that encourage us to learn together to fill in the support system we need later on. Meanwhile, to run our English project, we also practice our English session to talk about different kinds activities to share later when it goes public. 


    This part of the point is our next concern. We must make sure that what we plan will be relevant to our goal and target. We also have the same point of view that what we are going has interrelationship to each other. We develop our soft skills- English and Technology literate- and this relevant works will encourage our team to do better. It seems simple to practice all the above tasks. However, I am a new person in make use of those applications but I see the silver lining as well. All we practice are relevant to our works and project.


     We have to realize that our project must be completed on schedule or based on the timeline. Step by step and based on the timeline, we have to be discipline and help each other to back up our team. There are long and short term project we have discussed. This activity will run for 12 months or a year. Besides, we also divide the concentration work into two parts. The first short term will be the first six months and the other one will be on the second six months as well.

Here is the summary of our SMART method:

Here is the picture of our short term project and this will be our road map to be consistent and focus on what we have already decided in a mutual agreement. This will be our compass to see how far we are and to check where we have achieved. It is only the two of us but I am sure we could do the milestone project step by step. 

We believe that we could do anything together as long as we open our selves to a productive communication, have a good attitude to complete all the chores as our commitment and we do it based on the trust, competence, plan, goals and target.










Minggu, 22 Agustus 2021

Bunda Salihah #3 Review on Understanding your problem


"As you sow, so you shall reap"

Your actions – good or bad – determine what you get.

I have got buddy from Batam. It is nice to have another buddy friend from other parts of the country. I imagine if I could visit that place. see the beautiful view and  have an experience to taste and have a nice relationship with the local people.
Here is mba Hanna Ratri Nadya who has an interesting problem statement related to emotion. She also has a team to run the project and her team name is BERSEMI.
I do not know exactly about her team problem but reading and observing from her own problem statement, I could have some review on it.

BERSEMI (Bersama Cerdas Emosi) shows something related how to maintain emotional feeling and condition smartly in every condition, bad or good one. No matter the problem will come in into our life, this feeling called emotion must be in a good portion to be. 

Among the seven members of the group, each one has similar problems to be a challenge to conquer. Through this project, I think the group really want to campaign and run the project into various kinds of activities to synchronize the different kinds of problems into sufficient emotion thinking, feeling that will reflect to the action. 

The result of the project, I think, the team invites all women including their families to realize that managing the emotion is going to be a big challenge to face. Compromising the unsupportive situation should not be the obstacle as our feeling could receive it by applying some steps to do.

Although I could not see the background of the team problem, How they realize the star bursting brainstorming and look at the back up fact and data. I do hope that the team will run together as the tame day said; 

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Henry Ford

Here are my input for my buddy. The description of her team should be explained in her journal. It will give the reader a picture of what the team is working out now. There should also be the supported reason to reveal the project. After all, I do hope that her team will run every project.


Rabu, 11 Agustus 2021

Bunda Salihah #3 Understanding Your Problem



Here we are now on the 3rd part of our class project assignment. We have a sophisticated program to do together in a team and not by my self. At first, I wanted to do it all by myself but then when Ibu Septi confirmed us that this is team project so it is time for every team to work together and discuss the problem statement. I have my problem and my member team has also her own problem. To complete the activities, we do the guidance shared by Ibu Septi and it is chronologically put in an order so I have self confidence to explain to my one and only member to talk our project.

I start explaining my problem statement and we are then discussing the first Step. I invited the member last Thursday to talk about our project. So, last night (11/August/ 2021) we start the meeting by my first turn. I explain the agenda and I went on explaining my problem statement then I asked her to tell and inform her problem statement, then from our own point of view, we take a mutual problem statement: 

 Here is the result of this point:

My problem: Applying English Soft skill to be able to compete in International education, industry and  business 

Your problem (1): English Soft skill Bahasa become a necessity to enable us to come and interact among International community in the field of education that will support the work performance in business or industry

Your problem (2): English becomes a compulsory part of a profession to build and develop International network especial in design graphic field of work.

Our problem: The ability of English Communication as supported soft skill to succeed the activities in further education, business and Industry

I really enjoy talking and discussing about understanding our problem statement as we spend much time to find out the solution but then I remember that we have to design a star bursting brainstorming to dig dive our problem statement and to find out our mutual understanding on that part.

To support our concern and our further program, we have to completed some activities to dig dive Our problem statement and to make sure that our concern is justified by the experts comment. 

Marianna Pascal  in TED Talks informed that learning a language should be like you are playing a video game, It means that you should say it like you play a game and you enjoy it. If you find mistake than you could learn to fix it while you are playing the game again and again. Repetition and habits formation  Besides, she also shows how the secret to speaking a new language with confidence is all about attitude, not ability. 

Meanwhile, the issue of MEA (Asean Economic Community) that English becomes the language that further education, business, and industry and that will open everyone who live in South Asia nations to study, work or have a business in any of those countries. From this point, Indonesia has take part to compete among the Asean countries to show our ability to walk together and to maintain good relationship and to pursue better nation welfare. How to enable us to be able to compete with other people from other countries in Asean is by having a set of abilities including English. In fact, the weakness of our graduates, for example, is the level of self-confidence in speaking English. Most of them feel worried to make mistakes while having a conversation, for example. Although English is a tool and supported part that can be applied in their field of work or study. The obstacles of speaking English become the problem and consequently the opportunities to get better work, business or further study. 

The problems should be solved and running a program to improve the English skill can open job opportunities widely. Socializing by campaigning and promoting English to maintain and improve their quality work performance will give more beneficial points for not only for every individual achievement but also for our nation. 










Minggu, 01 Agustus 2021

Bunda Salihah #2 Review on Feedback System (Building Solid Team)




Reading and observing my buddy's prospective project, Miss Evita Indah K, made me think deeply about how meaningful a family for the future is. There are different kinds of activities to boost family's quality performance physical and emotional projects but this one, in my point of view, is another program that will give refreshment to every family who want to try to improve the bonding and relationship among the members of the family. 

On the other hand, Ms. Evita's team seems to be powerful as the project will go smoothly and based on the plan as the team has qualities to energize every agenda to do. The strength of each member of the team will be able to run and synergize the every event on schedule. There are some points I could learn from her team point if view. First, open communication to find the same problem statement by sharing some ideas and opinion to get the same vision for running the project. 

In addition, I got benefits points from her way to manage the project. Starting from campaigning, recruitment. communication by having discussion via zoom to talk about role and task, as well as hard and soft skill to enable every member to work together and accomplish the goal. 

The last step I did was asking her about how to maintain her team to be solid and enable to synergize the strength and the agenda from the scratch. I learn something from her and from her team. There are good preparation and good moves from one part to the other one so it can be looked smoothly and well organized teamwork. It is true that all good things come to an end. Congratulation Ms, Evita and team. I can't wait for your bright events around the bend.









WFH Year #1

 UNEXPECTED EVENTS It's not about how long you dedicate yourself to show your best performance. It's all about how you put and treat...