Minggu, 31 Oktober 2021

Bunda Salihah #Kongres Ibu Pembaharu

 Working together in a big group based on SDGs like finding soul mates to go further actions for solution together. 

This event is a big challenge for everyone in the group as we never meet before but we have the same platform that trigger our goal to accomplish.

Our actions in Group 7 (Qualified Education) has been doing three big work that we have uploaded in our social medial.

Here are the links of our effort to show our action to solution, enjoy each of them:

Veztifal Team: Rita Fithra Dewi Video 1: 


Veztifal Team: Rita Fithra Dewi Video 2:


Veztifal Team: Rita Fithra Dewi Video 3:



  • There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. ~ Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary


"Hello everyone, I am Rita Fithra Dewi from Veztifal team", that is a piece of expression I usually say when I start my recording on my own You Tube Channel. Yes, Here I am in 2021 and I have started my passion of sharing on my 46 years old, exactly I began in August 2021. Can you believe in me that I finally can make it!. I was so hilarious to be able to design my first content for my You Tube Channel based on my knowledge, experience and concern and I could make a shooting on my own with my style and my voice, facial character. I never imagine before that  I could do them by my self. 

 I realize that the motivations word from (https://www.success.com/17-motivational-quotes-to-inspire-you-to-be-successful/ )Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you is true. I, my self, prove it that I am forty-six and I must push my effort to go further to share my knowledge to the public virtually, I know I am not young anymore but there is no late time to start the good one. In addition, I must learn many thing to enable me to conduct my passion of sharing.

On the other hand, my life as a mother has still am not a good mother as I think I must do the other important things to save and accompany my children. It is hard, actually, to educate my children that have different characters and cannot give up as this is the beginning of my next challenging work as a mother to raise each of them. 

showing efforts, actions, review and face every obstacle is a challenge will make me alive. 
I do hope that my role in this life will give benefits to others by my sharing. 
keep on a good work Rita.
Dear Allah, the all Mighty, shower me with your love and please do not leave me alone. Aamiin.

31 October 1975 - 31 October 2021

Rita Fithra Dewi
I'm OK with a Smile

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021

Bunda Salihah #6 Feedback on Action to Solution

 “A great work demands a great sacrifice, and who is not capable of a great sacrifice is not capable of a great work.” – Muriel Strode


Here we are on the six part of Bunda Salihah class. All team has shown great effort to realize their actions to solution and each team has made organized timeline to support the high end of its goals. We also have been conducting every plan we put on the agenda and thank to Allah SWT. every plan becomes our trigger to complete on time. 

On this part of the feedback of my buddy review on the 6th one is I have got a buddy who has a medical background that will give more benefits around the bend. I am amazed with her point of view on the problems coming from the community, and her concern has became an action that describe from the team's goals.

Tender team has great dream and has started by conducting some activities that concern on the clients' gathering information. The first part of their actions is how to socialize their project by giving information and invite prospective clients in a whatsapp group. Next move, the team distributing gform to get data for the next action. The other supported activities are arranging events and contact the speakers. All those parts lead to further actions. 

My buddy and her team show big concern on how to educate women as themselves, mothers and how to empower their roles in everyday life. Though the actions are the first part of the whole ones, I am sure that the team will have different activities with different targets and goals so their journey will go further to the next events that support the previous ones.

What I would like to remind us about the team and action is consistency. We have to realize that this is team project where dream has to be planned and the plan must be completed on activities and each one need efforts and hard work  and of course team work.

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. ~ Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary










Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021

Bunda Salihah #6 Action to Solution



When we have a plan and a high motivation to reach our dream, then we are going to set our struggle and effort to do the target one by one. Otherwise, it is only a dream. A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline (Harvey Mackay). We as a team believe that everything which is set and organized in a good order will help each one of us to work based on the plan. However, we also have obstacles that we make them as challenges. Some of them seems difficult to solve but we encourage ourselves to get help from others. Training and short course are parts of our action to solve our obstacles. Gathering data and resources from different kinds of websites, books and seminar give us chances to do better and become agile as we practice the technology, application and sharpen our saw every week.

To organize our work, We have made a set of agenda and activities in our diary. Since there is Gantt Chart. then we duplicate what we have competed and what we are going to do in this chart. We share chores and responsibility related to publish our agenda via social media. This chart is our time keeper to set our alarm to complete every activity. It is a challenging effort but we realize that this become our good habits as we start from the easy one, we repeat it and we become excellent on fulfilling the task. 

We realize that there are just the two of us who work on this team, but since we know our role and tasks, then we will work based on our job. If one of us could not finish the task, then we will back up each other by open communication. Veztifal Show has some activities. Daily, weekly and Monthly. The nearest event of ours is IG live that will invite the viewers to share their opinion on "Why English Matter for you?". The other agenda is a hort training on how to do TOEFL test by Zoom platform for 5 meetings. 
We need a lot of resources to be our content at IG, facebook, You tube and Website. We gather all information from the websites, books, films and others. I am an English instructor, so I usually get input from my students and kinds of activities they want to practice in English skills.

What we are doing is the first milestone. We design activities related to how motivate viewers to improve their talent in English. We also try to find which big why of the people have and obstacles when they learn English. Although our way is still long ahead but we believe that showing our actions in simple ways will introduce our goal to the public. 

Sometimes later becomes never- Do it now









Minggu, 03 Oktober 2021

Bunda Salihah #5 Feedback on Identification of Action

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

"Every little helps" will give contribution to the better future of a team work performance. Our action will give impact to the process of the project's progress. Naturally, every member in team is willing to walk side by side, help each other and back up the project together. I realize that open communication is crucial and updating info from each member will close the relationship and find out way out if there is an obstacle in the middle of the way.

This week, I have got another buddy from IP Bandung. Her name is Teh Noviana and her team is "Ubah Plastik". For me, her project is very interesting as the team try hard to work with reuse, reduce, and recycle plastic. The other point to observe the team for their Identification of Action is looking at the highlights and key updates. Honestly, I could not find that part but I am trying to  look into their Timeline Highlights and I could conclude that they started from gathering info on plastic recycle, then go on to experiment from the knowledge they have already got from the first start. Next, they promote the result experiment as well as their team and the last but not least, they are going to give education on plastic wear as well as how to recycle them.

Working in team is much better and do each event step by step will help the big challenge into a small piece of cake as each member will take their own role to fill the hole. The highlights and the key updates will control the event in a better way as what we have set as a goal will be reflected to the indicators of a success point and it is stated in the key updates.

Campaign is a part of big agenda that is started from introducing the team. It also has already prepared with fact and data so when they campaign, the material are well prepared and they could perform well online. Supporting each other to complete each mission will get the ripe fruits. Hard and smart work of the team member could be seen at the communication and the schedule of every action will be published later.

Team is where we can have the same big idea and work hand in hand to accomplish the target. Ups and downs are parts of the life of a team, but the effort and high motivation to  stick to the highlights and key updates will remain the team as a body who will walk at the same tome with the same tone and the same style.

This is the last part I would like to share Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. ~ Les Brown

Source: https://proverbicals.com/days









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