Minggu, 03 Oktober 2021

Bunda Salihah #5 Feedback on Identification of Action

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

"Every little helps" will give contribution to the better future of a team work performance. Our action will give impact to the process of the project's progress. Naturally, every member in team is willing to walk side by side, help each other and back up the project together. I realize that open communication is crucial and updating info from each member will close the relationship and find out way out if there is an obstacle in the middle of the way.

This week, I have got another buddy from IP Bandung. Her name is Teh Noviana and her team is "Ubah Plastik". For me, her project is very interesting as the team try hard to work with reuse, reduce, and recycle plastic. The other point to observe the team for their Identification of Action is looking at the highlights and key updates. Honestly, I could not find that part but I am trying to  look into their Timeline Highlights and I could conclude that they started from gathering info on plastic recycle, then go on to experiment from the knowledge they have already got from the first start. Next, they promote the result experiment as well as their team and the last but not least, they are going to give education on plastic wear as well as how to recycle them.

Working in team is much better and do each event step by step will help the big challenge into a small piece of cake as each member will take their own role to fill the hole. The highlights and the key updates will control the event in a better way as what we have set as a goal will be reflected to the indicators of a success point and it is stated in the key updates.

Campaign is a part of big agenda that is started from introducing the team. It also has already prepared with fact and data so when they campaign, the material are well prepared and they could perform well online. Supporting each other to complete each mission will get the ripe fruits. Hard and smart work of the team member could be seen at the communication and the schedule of every action will be published later.

Team is where we can have the same big idea and work hand in hand to accomplish the target. Ups and downs are parts of the life of a team, but the effort and high motivation to  stick to the highlights and key updates will remain the team as a body who will walk at the same tome with the same tone and the same style.

This is the last part I would like to share Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. ~ Les Brown

Source: https://proverbicals.com/days









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