Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Bunda Salihah #7 Buddy Review Appreciation on Action Project


 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

"The right man on the right place", suits to what we have been doing so far. The target will be accomplished when plan, action and result get together all the time. All we can reach can be realized in collaboration. Team will be our energy to do every work with effort and hard work. That's what team is for.

I understand now that we can do kindness in team, we can share power by collaboration and we can do actions with love together in a community. All we have done should be evaluated to see how far we have step and how deep the impact to our environment. Today, I am going to review one of the team; Madrasah Sakinah Squad and She is mba Lina Prihatin from IP Yogyakarta.

As her buddy review, I should be able to observe her team work and to analyze the points that the committee ask me to do; looking into the team project and observe their work on the following points; social impact of their actions, Theory of Change, Their Logic Model, Risk management and The table of Stop, Continue and Start.

I start the review from the team social impact. The team stated that they have completed several activities that impact to the increasing number of their followers via Instagram and members on their WAG class. It can be seen that at least the project run well and the audience or readers or followers can access their information and follow their event. According to their theory of change, there are some points can be related to each other

The theory of change is designed to monitor all of team project and to evaluate how far their progress to reach the impact at the high end of their target. if they have got a set of curriculum and activities so they would be able to open class and share education on family Resistance. If more and more women in families join their project so more women will be able to take part as a tough and responsible mother in family assistance and parenting. If there are more and more women join and the quality is getting better, so the team has taken role to be part of family problem. It can lead to the impact of the family resistance. 

Now, we go on to the team logical model on how they describe and run their projects. Every now and then, the team has explained the step by step activities and events to be likely in logical order and it can be observed the relationship of one to another so the impact of their project will be proved at the high end of their target. The other thing to be shared here is the management of risk that the team has already designed.

The table risk management enable each member in the team to see which parts to take quick decision and which parts can be monitored and run on schedule and which parts should be put aside and find out the other way to go on.  The team is ready to go on and to share more and more event to accomplish the goal.

I would like to say congratulation to the team who has honorable project to every family and to every women who will take roles with responsibility and to bring family resistance to be much better with the Islamic values inside. I just want to say, "Work and you’ll get what you need; work harder and you’ll get what you want." (Prabakaran Thirumalai).  


"With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything" - Antoine Griezmann

#darirumahuntuk dunia


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