Sabtu, 29 April 2017



Jumat, 28 April 2017

Refresh your energy to improve your teaching activities

Teachers are always be there when students need to learn something and move forward. Besides, teachers have big chances to enlighten their class live and have strong motivation to join and follow the lessons. To improve the teachers' energy to teach and transfer their knowledge, a series of short training should facilate their need and cover their obstacles both academic and non academic matters.
Refresher course for IEC teachers at National English Centre is one of activities to enrich and reenergize their teaching skills. For this occasion, the teachers from different branches gather and share their teaching experience regarding to the class progress. As teachers of children need more energy to teach, then they need some refreshment on how to maintain students' motivation when they come to the class. Therefore, there are some activities that cover on this event. First, the have training on how to practice teaching reading by using My On software. The aim of the activity is to give a lot of opportunities to read, listen, speak and write in one application. Meanwhile, supporting activities in NATIONAL ENGLISH CENTRE should be parts of teaching and learning activities, as the academic system applies Play Therapy. It means students learn English unconsciously through various kinds of activities. There are singing songs, playing DVD interactive, MyOn, playing games, science experiment, art and craft, Role Play, Cookery, English Athlete, and Classware. On the other side, the teachers also learn how to sing songs with the style and movement. To get them involved in the agenda, they have to practice and show the songs in front of the other participants. This short course will have some other follow up activities after the training.
The input from the teachers are they need other different trainings related to teaching and learning process.
Bunch of hope from both the teachers and NEC to move forward to be much better in teaching and helping students to speak fluently and with self confidence.

Selasa, 25 April 2017

What did you ask today?

This is an interesting topic to share with everyone here. As teachers, parents as well as educators have to give as many opportunities as possible to their children to ask any questions that will develop their organ of speech (especially for children under 6 years old). Through stimulus and response of different kinds of activities, They could be  "Giant"  challenge for us to answer every single of their questions. On the other hand, there are some learning styles to reveal each different child's language ability. Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic styles of learning  could be the way to fine out what kinds of children have. The example to give a challenge to children to say something is by showing them a picture or some pictures. Let them see one by one and pass them on to the other children and give them a turn to say or ask about the pictures. Then, ask them to sit in a group of three or four persons and give them some time to write down some questions on a big of piece of paper. It probably could be seen that some children are reflective while the others are impulsive. Is there anyone here who has experience to be with children, then do an activity and see what happen after completing it. Are they eager to know more or do they feel enough to have it? Is there any different expressions after doing the activity? Do they like to ask many questions with puzzling faces and ask more about things they are interested on.Thank you for sharing...

10 Days' Challenge Means Write...Write...and ...write

 10 Day's Challenge for me means write...write...and write

Never give up,
Learn to practice
every single word becomes a sentence 
and sentences become a paragraph
and a paragraph becomes an essay

Tantangan ini benar benar membangun motivasi diri untuk mencoba merangkai kata demi kata menjadi sebuah kalimat, kemudian rangkaian kalimat itu tersusun menjadi sebuah paragrap dan susunan paragraph itu menjadi sebuah essay. Group Institut Ibu Professional yang "memaksa" saya untuk menulis secara berkala ketika saya bergabung di kelas matrikulasi, dan saat ini ada di kelas bunda sayang memberi jalan dan kesempatan untuk belajar menulis, mengembangkan ide dalam sebuah kerangka berfikir (mind mapping) dan menuangkannya dengan batuan gambar-gambar kegiatan. Selintas terlihat sederhana, tetapi ternyata setiap tulisan membutuhkan motivasi dan semangat untuk memulai dari mana seharusnya berawal. Semakin tinggi level yang didaki, semakin banyak hal yang menguras pikiran untuk membaca atau paling sedikit membaca ulang materi  yang sudah disediakan fasilitator. Pembelajaran yang saya alami dari kegiatan kelas offline ini sebenarnya membuka peluang lain untuk mengembangkan cerita -cerita atau berbagi informasi dari sumber bacaan yang sudah kita pahami dan membuat resume sederhana tentang isi sebuah buku mengantarkan saya pada group Rumah Belajar MENULIS IIP JAKARTA. Saya percaya dengan ungkapan "PRACTICE MAKES PRACTICE", Atau "ALA BISA KARENA BIASA" untuk membiasakan diri menulis. Jalan masih panjang, tetapi semangat harus terus di BAKAAR, Ayo semangat dan tetap bertekad menjadi lebih baik


Thank you to all the members of RUMBEL MENULIS IIP JAKARTA who give me the chance to write everything about what I think and what I feel in this facility. As a matter a fact, it is simple but I "SHY" to ask to others until I join this wonderful group. I LOVE THIS GROUP, Try to write and learn from the mistakes will be the best way for me to keep on moving. Hopefully, I could write every time as my passion is writing. Just give me the time to think and then share my ideas here. It is like a diary when I was in school hundred of years ago. This is not the end, This will be my long journey to enjoy the feeling that I have and thought that I could share...

WFH Year #1

 UNEXPECTED EVENTS It's not about how long you dedicate yourself to show your best performance. It's all about how you put and treat...