Senin, 20 Desember 2021

Bunda Salihah #Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu


Here we are now at KONFERENSI IBU PEMBAHARU. There are a series events that give me "WOW" impressions because of the following points.

The hilarious of KIP 2022 shows professionalism of all components in the biggest event every two years. What a coincidence! as the situation which is all online give chances to the committee to show great events and to release impressive speakers  

KIP Event give me spirit and motivation as well as trigger to share what we have even it is a small part. The consistency of our project will pay it later as long as we work harder, work in team and have the heart to    continue without stopping to share ideas, experience and knowledge. 

One of the most impressive quote that inspire me is from teh Heni Sri Sundani, " (Jadikan mimpi diri sendiri sebagai jalan bagi orang lain untuk meraih mimpinya) Realize your dream as the way to give others to accomplish their dreams"

There are more and more impressive events from wonder women who work hard and have to struggle to reach their goals and become a part of world solution.

Peserta KIP, I am one of hundred participants who enthusiastically follow the event. 



Minggu, 12 Desember 2021

Bunda Salihah #8 Scaling up Impact

 “Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.”

― John Dewey

Hello everyone, How are you?
At the end of our class, let me give you my impressions on our project for the rest of six months. I do not feel sad or disappointed if I do not pass from the institute as I think I must do so many things to see the social impact of our journey and to give solution to the community on English to fulfill the industry and business demand. To share our experiences on our events, I will divide the explanation into some points.
I selected English as my project to be published in Bunda Salihah class because of three reasons. First, I have been thinking about the MEA issue somewhere in 20215 where the South East Asian Countries had a mutual cooperation on business and industry as well education and agreed to activate English as an International language to be applied in formal occasion in international communication atmosphere. It impacted to the human resources who are not only able to be skillful in their knowledge but also they have to be able to communicate in English. The fact is that our graduated students are good at knowledge and work skills but they seem to find obstacles in language. That is what I motivated my self to design trainings or events or projects to encourage us to speak up English more often and to build up our self confidence in showing our quality both in work as well as language performance.
The next reason is I have a motivation to share my passion in English skills to my surrounding. Sharing my knowledge and experiences in English skills, teaching and practice will give more opportunities to give more than just money. I personally do not have donation to give but I am willing to share all my knowledge and skill in English to whom need it. 
The las but not least is my motivation to share knowledge and experience in English is how I could reach the audience through technology. It is impossible to come one group people to another group, instead, It is powerful to send them information via online. It could be sent to the other parts of remote areas without my physical presence. I do really hope that what I share will give fringe benefits to others.
All is well. It should be part of my project. I realize that designing, doing and publishing a project need efforts and cooperation in the process of the journey. I have been up and down to be able to stand up and have a consistency to run my project in team. It is true that team will change our dream become a reality but we must remember that working in team need good will and collaboration to accomplish goals. I have only a member to work with and honestly I work 80% of the project, meanwhile, my member work the rest. I have got another member to cope with the website work but we think that we have to learn more by following a class or a training course. I admit that I get satisfaction and happiness when I design lessons for IG and Youtube channel.  What we have done so far are far from perfect as we are two of us that each of us has to work double or triple parts to publish info or lesson. We are consistent to publish a lesson or info graphic. However, we realize that there is still one big homework to publish; Website design. another thing to share here is that we have not seen the impact from our project and we have to show more efforts to do more activities or events to get the social impact for us. 
The achievement of our project need my focus and consistency to show more efforts to see the result. From the what we have done so far, I also would like to share indicators whether I deserve to pass the class. Here are the indicators of my graduation from Bunda Salihah's class. I follow all lessons from Ibu Septi regularly. I do all of the journal, review and event on timeI put a character of consistency during the project, I am be able to share info on time. I design lessons based on the target so I am be able to publish via YouTube regularly and on time. I design website with team, I could pass from the Institute.
Among all of the indicators, I feel that our journey is still far from being perfect. This is just the beginning and we have still many things to do to publish and show our projects. 
In general, I must admit that the project has not shown an action to a solution. What we have been doing for the six months are socialization on our actions. So, we could not show you the  result of our solution.

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much"


#darirumahuntuk dunia

Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Bunda Salihah #7 Buddy Review Appreciation on Action Project


 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

"The right man on the right place", suits to what we have been doing so far. The target will be accomplished when plan, action and result get together all the time. All we can reach can be realized in collaboration. Team will be our energy to do every work with effort and hard work. That's what team is for.

I understand now that we can do kindness in team, we can share power by collaboration and we can do actions with love together in a community. All we have done should be evaluated to see how far we have step and how deep the impact to our environment. Today, I am going to review one of the team; Madrasah Sakinah Squad and She is mba Lina Prihatin from IP Yogyakarta.

As her buddy review, I should be able to observe her team work and to analyze the points that the committee ask me to do; looking into the team project and observe their work on the following points; social impact of their actions, Theory of Change, Their Logic Model, Risk management and The table of Stop, Continue and Start.

I start the review from the team social impact. The team stated that they have completed several activities that impact to the increasing number of their followers via Instagram and members on their WAG class. It can be seen that at least the project run well and the audience or readers or followers can access their information and follow their event. According to their theory of change, there are some points can be related to each other

The theory of change is designed to monitor all of team project and to evaluate how far their progress to reach the impact at the high end of their target. if they have got a set of curriculum and activities so they would be able to open class and share education on family Resistance. If more and more women in families join their project so more women will be able to take part as a tough and responsible mother in family assistance and parenting. If there are more and more women join and the quality is getting better, so the team has taken role to be part of family problem. It can lead to the impact of the family resistance. 

Now, we go on to the team logical model on how they describe and run their projects. Every now and then, the team has explained the step by step activities and events to be likely in logical order and it can be observed the relationship of one to another so the impact of their project will be proved at the high end of their target. The other thing to be shared here is the management of risk that the team has already designed.

The table risk management enable each member in the team to see which parts to take quick decision and which parts can be monitored and run on schedule and which parts should be put aside and find out the other way to go on.  The team is ready to go on and to share more and more event to accomplish the goal.

I would like to say congratulation to the team who has honorable project to every family and to every women who will take roles with responsibility and to bring family resistance to be much better with the Islamic values inside. I just want to say, "Work and you’ll get what you need; work harder and you’ll get what you want." (Prabakaran Thirumalai).  


"With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything" - Antoine Griezmann

#darirumahuntuk dunia


WFH Year #1

 UNEXPECTED EVENTS It's not about how long you dedicate yourself to show your best performance. It's all about how you put and treat...