Senin, 20 Desember 2021

Bunda Salihah #Konferensi Ibu Pembaharu


Here we are now at KONFERENSI IBU PEMBAHARU. There are a series events that give me "WOW" impressions because of the following points.

The hilarious of KIP 2022 shows professionalism of all components in the biggest event every two years. What a coincidence! as the situation which is all online give chances to the committee to show great events and to release impressive speakers  

KIP Event give me spirit and motivation as well as trigger to share what we have even it is a small part. The consistency of our project will pay it later as long as we work harder, work in team and have the heart to    continue without stopping to share ideas, experience and knowledge. 

One of the most impressive quote that inspire me is from teh Heni Sri Sundani, " (Jadikan mimpi diri sendiri sebagai jalan bagi orang lain untuk meraih mimpinya) Realize your dream as the way to give others to accomplish their dreams"

There are more and more impressive events from wonder women who work hard and have to struggle to reach their goals and become a part of world solution.

Peserta KIP, I am one of hundred participants who enthusiastically follow the event. 



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