Kamis, 31 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #14 31 March 2022


Here are the other six teams who have different projects and activities.

1.  Kunthi Arsitowati, Tim Shining Star

The team concern on how to develop themselves and how to give beneficial productivity to their surrounding. Moreover, the team see that by using technology, the productivity will be getting easier. Productive, beneficial and happy mothers.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Garsinia, KiFaGa
Kifaga team concerns on dream family who support each others. In fact, the bonding of thei relationship is substituted by technology (smart phone). More family should know that they are the place to get together and how to give good impact to their surrounding. The team has projects how to develop activities that share laughter and happines. The team has projects by produced activity games for family. They also have sharing class. In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3.Maunah, Tafko.id.
Here is the team who concern on how to invite children to memorize qur'an in a fun and relax way. Their concern is how to invite without making the children angry to learn, share and memorize qur'an. They have classes online and share information via media social.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4.Rima Melanie, Griya Acita

Here is the team who see that educational children (7 to 10 years) on the condition of Pandemic Covid 19. They want to build a home with full of activities (knowledge, attitude and skill). There are events to invite the children to be active and productive.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5.  Ratna Chandra Sari, Rumah Talenta

Rumah talenta is another project from the team. They concern on how mothers who work in public turned to domestic mothers. This condition needs motivation to do all works and to be able to do their hobbies as me time. Self confidence is the basic need to build women self actualization. meanwhile mindset is the centre to lead all of our activities than it will grows better. The team has project on how to develop woments' talent and have some events to show feel independet.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

6Siti Khoiriyah, Ruberi

The next team is Ruberi team. The team concerns on how to develop good happy team in family and how to improve productivity both in family and our selves. happiness becomes the team focus and how to manage inside the family. Ruang berbenah diri is a projects to improve selft quality life.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

7. Asih Gunawan. Wiguna Oase

Wiguna Oase is a team who take role in financial management and no poverty anymore. Their concern on this because the number of poverty in Indonesia is bigger. Structural proverty is their concern. Their project develop financial independent. Their focus on business such as culinary or others. In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.



#Review #14

Review PECHA KUCHA #13 30 March 2022


1. Firdausiah adinta, Baitin Jannati HomeTeam

The team who wants to develop a nice home with productive and solid family. The team focuses on how to develop religious lessons for family members. They practice their challenges and held some events to improve good quality of hometeam. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Ani Nursyamsiah, Ngompos
 Olah Sampah Organik Sendiri is the team movement on how to find soulution in waste management. From the incidents of thet have seen around their neighborhood, The team consider to take action on how to manage organic garbage. The team wants to take action to manage and does activities based on their need, they also select different kinds of garbages both organic and unorganic. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Adistiyar, Tim Dapur Genta

Nutrition is the team concern to be their project. Mothers become the family nutritionist. They have big roles to take reponsible to feed their family with balancaed food. Diet pattern for the member families are based on their eating habits. From this point of view, the team concerns on how to manage good habits in consuming good food halal and good for the body. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Gina Arina Uswatun Chasanah, Risalah Langit

The team concerns on how to learn God's love in daily life activities. They concern on how to apply Qur'an and Hadits to be parts of life. Their project focuses in muslim education and the application their life based on the qur'an and sunnah. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 



#Review #13

Selasa, 29 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #12 29 Maret 2022


Now, we are at the 12th review of our PECHA KUCHA night. 

1. Rani Apriyanti, Coding Corner
The team focuses in Coding. How to design website is part of their action. Technology information should be a skill for those who want to work internationally. They have projects on how to educate community to make use of the internet as the media of learning and how to make it meaningful by learning how to design a website. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

2. Sri Prihartiningsih, Blog Kemal


The team focuses in blog writing. Blog writing is one way to share info and can be parts of business in writing blog. Fringe benefits are therapy, inspiration and share how to make use of the readers. Otimation blog writing is the team project. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

3.Syarifah, Untukmu Bunda
The team is trying to bring family issues as the project that give solutions, facilities to share knowledge and experiences. The mothers as the centre of the family activities. How to manage psychology need to be improved from A to Z. Women's welfare should be paid attention to enable them to act professionally in family. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

4. Erli Oktania, dKrOE Lestari

Every family needs to survive especially in food supply. Gardening is one way to close us to our consumption. There are lots of house yard are not managed well. They want to work together to share and to fight and develop as well as how to make use the garden to be the production resources for food supply. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

5.Ria Ariyanti, Rumah Asa

The team focuses on education for children. How nurturing and education become the team concern on how to take care of alternative education. The team has projects to invite community to run  alternative education for children. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 


Senin, 28 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #11 28 march 2022


Alhamdulillah, we are now at the 11th part of PECHA KUCA night show. I feel lucky to be here among Ibu Pembaharu who have different kinds of concerns and projects. I could learn lots of things here to see, to hear, to observe and of course to get the lesson and coolaboration. I realize that if we can have the same vision and mission on this griuo so, it will be easier for us to synergize our passionin our actions for the better tomorrow.

Here are the teams;

1. Indah Laras, Ruang Bicara


The team focuses on how women have rights to be protected from abusement. How the team want to invites the community to educate about abusement in a house. The victims are mostly, female; children, teenagers and adults. They want to share how to cope with the situation by having some events through social media and campaign the impact of abusemnet in a house. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2.Annisa Fauziah, ProMama


Pro Mama is a team who pay attention to time management. How mothers could feel enjoyable moment when they are able to set time management. They consider it as a challenge and they set a planning on how to find solution to manage your life, time to make them happy. They put their focus on how to educate mothers in time management. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Rita Fithra Dewi, Veztifal Show

 Here is our team. We do not put our review here.

4.Fatkhauli Salvani, Tender Love

Women and family are interrelation. The team focuses and invite women to build happiness in family. The team concerns on how to educate women/mothers on how to make them happy for themselves and make their surrounding happy. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5.Anggun Kurniasari, Passionate Muslimah


Passionate Muslimah concerns on planning and journaling.  They  can be done by everyone. Those are life record or documentation. Documenting what we plan and make a record in a journal. It is like a diary but they give more beneficial points to ease women's life. They socialize the planning and journaling pattern based on the need.  Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

6. Eka Mustika Sari, Tim Bersemi

Tim Bersemi is a project from those who concern on how to handle mothers' condition on physical and emotional condition. All emotional form lead to negative attitude. From this point of view, the team, then  take emotional management as their project. They design activities, event and other information on how to manage emotional feeling. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.


Minggu, 27 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #10 27 March 2022


Here are the team who have projects on different concerns. They pay attention on education, waste, qur'an, food cnsumption and eyes abnormalities.

1. Wenny Raisa, Gerakan Rumah Hijau


This team has family member team and move in family activities. Their concern is how to manage waste from home. involving the children to participate in a different activities is the way to make them as habit and introduce the m about responsibility on what they have made, eat or use and find out the recycling activities to be more benefiacial for the environment. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2 . Siti Cholidah ;Tim Monday 


The team really want to apply meaningful morning activities with family members and also to apply discipline and how to maintain the good habits among members of the family.Different activities are set, practiced, applied and evaluated at the end of the challenge days. Socialization via social media are also their action to invites other to follow their tract. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3.Hamidah Rina Mantiri, Magnetic:


The team comes with the problem coming up from the leader's own experiene. She felt that many others probably have the same condition and have in a bad situation wheree information access as well ass financial budget are becoming the obstacle to have better eye condition. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Rena Nurul UmmahMeat for All:


Here is the team who concerns on protein and how to make it healthy consumption. The projects include the education, workshop, webinar on how to put the food in a good proportion and how to enjoy consuming it by paying attention to the content of the meat it self. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5. Shuffah NUr Hijrah,Rumah Qur'an Ibu:


This one also gives different point of view on how to invite mothers to live with qur'an and keep it in daily activities. Mothera a s the heartof the family point wil give biggest way to represent the good knowledge among family members. The activities are all mothers to do qur'an reciting, remember the surah by the heart and how to apply the lesson in family. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.


Sabtu, 26 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #9 26 March 2022


Saturday night were good as there were six teams who shares their projects. In general, I could say that the there are three points of parts that can be classified as children education, then technology and Recycle products. Here is the review:

1. Siti Sadiah , Taman Thufaila

The team has projects on children education and how to develop their psychomotoric activities to enable them to practice life skills     since they were children. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Hanny Sarsa, Breastfeeding Team

The team has projects and actions on educating mothers about the importance of breastfeeding and the beneficial points if they breastfeed their children for two years. Education, training and socialization are parts of their action to explore the important things of breastmilk, bonding and build mental relationship. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Diawinasis, Rinjing Destock

Here is the next team who concerns in technology and how we, women, get in touch with technology. Technology helps us to work more online and the team has activities to educate, train and assist their followers to be familiar with technology. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4.Gina Hendraswati, The  OKE Team

The team concerns on waste that is from milk cartoon from preschool children. They see that if the easte can not be recycled then we will have huge of piling garbage that will make us uncomfortable. They have shown their recycle products and it will go on with other fun activiuties involving the school children, teachers and parents as well. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5. Fanny Yulia, Metajabar

The team has the same focus as the previous team who concerns on children's activities and how to make curricuum, syllabus, planning until evaluation. This can become good way for every family as they have map and planning when they are palying with their family member. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

6. Nurhasanah Hasan, Tim Kaizen

The team focus on children and gadget. How children manage the gadget in their learning activities. Unfortunately, they play online game for hours. From this problem, parents get angry but the children still play it. There is the main problem to be found the wayout. Productive communication among family members are the issue to be their concern. The team design started action by distributing survey, they share article about tips how to apply productive communication. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.


Jumat, 25 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #8 25 March 2022


I believe that every mother is a change maker for the better future. They who have big effort and high attention to life challenges will try hard to go through it and find ways to overcome every obstacle and to invite others to move forward together. On tonight PECHA KUCHA, there are five other amazing team who have the same target (children education) and women's emotiona with different projects, visions and actions to share with us. 

1. Fitria Ramadhani, Rumah Bijak Digital

The team monitor the recent world situation to be their concern as the pandemic situation, the online learning, the easy way to operate gadget from smartphones and involving children to play with lead the team to see the impact of the gadget. They have point of view that mothers has important role to assissst, keep and control the family member especially with the gadget. From this point, they think family can take place presenting fun and enjoyable acticities that will lead to better outcome. They create online and offline activities as guardian  for their family from the side effect of gadget use. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Selna Sari, Tumbuh Berfitrah
 The team focus on educating children, how parents get involved in family nurturing. It takes a village to raise a child. The team find the action on Education for children, so we can take care of them. Building a culture of good habits among family members need process and togetherness.  Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

3.. Andini, Ruang Cahaya Ibu

The team focuses on emotional challenge. The way how to cope with different feeling that lead to bad temper and do not know how to manage themselves. Postpartum blues is one of them. The team try to find out the emotional feeling and build a happy mother. Support and positive thinking become their action to share and assist all mothers to assist mothers. Body, mind and soul are their focus. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Leti Nuraini, First Teacher

The team focuses in child education. The team  want to give a movement how to assisst the children at home so they will develop based on their ages. Guruku ibu pertamaku is their tag line to share play ideas and assisst mothers to enable to play with mothers. Curriculum, plan, target, activities and evaluation can be applied at home. Overall,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5. Nur Laila, Macan Kekar

The team focuses on how husbands and wives get harmony in their relationship especially in communication. effective communication must be good as mothers will accompany their family to grow together as better future family. How to build good communication until Jannah is theor tag line. Overall,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.


Kamis, 24 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #7 24 March 2022

 Here we come again on the 7th review. There are more and more shining team with glowing projects that give more benefits for the future. Not only about mother or woman and family, but also there are team who concerns with recycling steroform materials and it can ake another business target.

1.      1.  Anita: Kayom Indonesia


 Garbage that avoided by the garbage men make the pile of waste become higher and higher. Kayom Indonesia pay attention on how to reduce the waste and recycle the garbage into economic production. The team think deeply on how become our environmnet if we do not take care of the waste. We use it but we don not care after using it. In a nut shell,  the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2.   2.  Ridha Hidayani: Tim Synergy family (syfa)


The next team is full of educators who have full attention in education, technology and assessment. They look into the recent condition that teachers are still having troubles in online situation and how to make use the technology into their classroom activities. Teachera are spread from cities until remote areas and most of them still fight to cope with the situation and take the challenge as their struggle to accomplsh the curriculum target. teacher incubator see the gap between the reality and the teacher's competence in using technology. That is why the team will improve, support the teachers theough training, assistance and counselling to help them with the technolgy in teaching. In a nut shell, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3.   3.   Betty Arianti: Tim Seru!


The team has concern in homeschooling projects. The team find exicement their own actions by inviting others to learn, play, act, share together. The team has completed some activities where parents are the tutors, teachers and facilittaors to guide their children to learn directly from the nature. In a nut shell, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4.    4.   Nike Rakhma: Ruang produktif ibu


The team invites all mothers explore their talents and productivities and creativities from their own homes. Mothers who are just at  home also have many opportunitities to actualize their passions through their daily activities. The team invites all mothers to love their job as housewives. happy mothers will deliver happier family.  The way to actualize is by spending 15 minutes to do their hobbies at home that produce many kinds of products/ works. In a nut shell, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5.    5.   Nia Lestari: Haris Team


Next, is the team who concerns with teenagers and family involvement to educate the teenagers to be good adults. There is called Taklim that has three stimulated point to be applied in family. All family members have roles and actions to support environmental activities. In a nut shell,  the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.


Rabu, 23 Maret 2022

REVIEW PECHA KUCHA #6 23 March 2022


Welcome to Pecha Kucha night Review #6. The more we get to know wach other the more feeling amazed to share. Last night were crowded as there were 5 team who have presented their topics. However, I will give review for the four team only today.

1. Putri Maharani, Setjiwa.id
 The fisrt group concerns on women and their challenges to be active and productive mothers, women and wives. They believe that challenges can be cnquered by having together working side by side to accomplish happiness in their family. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Dewi, Tim Omah Sehat 
This one is very interesting. The team invite women to lead a good lifestyle by doing and consuming good diet. Healthy is important especially for mothers who have multitasking activities and nees food support to maintain their shape. The diet pattern, how to start and how to keep it are challenges but it is possible to accomplish it. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Inggil Windarti, Congklak Project

The team reminded me my hobby playing congklak when i was child. I did not understand the philosophy behind playing it at that time but all I know was how I could win the game by doing the strategy and get more numbers of congklak shell button. The team describe the project by showing some doodles and the activities done by children that also give lesson of life skill. In short, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Ratna Sari Dewi, Tim Bunda Sebaya.

Tim Bunda Sebaya has different concerns than the three others. The team focus on how women with asthma can survive and lead their life happily and do not disturb with the situation like pandemic covid-19. There are many ways to know, and there are counselling, assisstance, and sharing knowledge about asthma and how to keep up good life in their family so they are still productive in a healthy ways.In short,the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

There was actually one team left, Click Mom (Primastuti) Team who pay attention to technology for female. They concern that female have to move forward in technology and could take role in technology industry. the Team has activities to play with children on how to make use of technology in doing  project as it facilitates cognitive, affective and Phsychomotoric. In short, the team gets 7 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

All of the team showed unique and specific point of view on different projects. I am sure and I am aware now that there are blue ocean to be touched and be completed as problems around our surrounding will need our effort to take actions not talk only. 


Selasa, 22 Maret 2022

Review Pecha Kucha #5 22 March 2022

 Hello, I am back again here to give a simple review on our ecosystem of Ibu Pembaharu. I wonder that among the previous team, I find their unique point of view on teir action. They have mindset and they have different kinds of actions to share and invite all women to be much better and ready to be great mothers. Now, on the 5th session, I find other interesting and great team who have experienced and share actions based on their concern.

1. Fatimah Azzahra, Ibu ASIK

Ibu Asik. Looking at the name, it brings us way to be fun mothers who could act out profesionally although we have challenge in our life including emotional feelings. Accelerated action or I like the word "AGILE" is actually mothers' mindset where they have to work, think and do other think at the same time especially on these days. They could educate children but they also could exist to show their talent. In a nut shell, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Rusna Meswari, Temani Indonesia

Next team is the greatest team I have ever known so far at Ibu Pembaharu. I feel amazed with the leader's way to share her experience and form a great A team who give counselling through training, seminar, zoom meeting about emotional management. The impact of their actions are really bombastic as more and more females follow every event they hold. In a nut shell, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Zakiyah Darojah, Permata Hati

Permata hati has movement to guide mothers who hope offsprings and give counselling as well as assistance on how to face the problem related to having a child. They also have actions to invite mothers to move forward and create activities supporting their project. In a nut shell, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Prita Annisa Utami, Alunan Bunda

Alunan Bunda brings Fitrah based approach to women to enable to all women to do their job as themselves, mothers and wives based on the Qur'an and As Sunnah. The team hold some events to empower women not only as themselves but also they are the centre of their family. In a nut shell, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5. Fitri Hantrini, Budidaya Cabe Carolina Reaper.

This one is different from other four teams. It is very nice to know that the hottest chilli is Carolina Reaper. The way how the leader explain about the chilli and how to plant it and then how to make the chillies to be a good business. In a nut shell, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Where we have good motivation to change, then there will always way and friends to support and do actions for a better tommorow.


Senin, 21 Maret 2022

Review Pecha Kucha #4 21 March 2022

 Women are sensitive to see, feel and experience in their daily life activities. They are not only women as themselves, they are also wives and mothers who have responsibility to the next generation. Today's review will be about team who have vision and mission on different parts of concerns. 

12. Ika Patmawati, Tim Sitarasmi

Sitarasmi Team concerns on teenagers and how to assist female teenagers to be tough and skillful to face the future and the team has completed some actions related to their target objectives. All in all, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

13. Roslinda Laiya, Tim Tommorow

Next, Tommorow Team has concerned on how women share love and attention started from breastfeeeding to build bonding and close relationship between mothers and their babies. The team has variety of activities to campaign breastmilk to be the best food resources for their babies under two years old and how to educate women, young mothers, mother-will-be about the importance of breastmilk in their children life development. All in all, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

14. Yuniarti , Tim Rubii

Tim Rubii has other point of view on how to manage speech delay and how to cope with the situation and find out how to face and ways to develop the children difficulty in speech.Based on the leader's experience and meet the same cases as her members, they have completed some actions to help other mothers whose children have the same problems and together side, by side give guide to assist them. All in all the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

Different problems have different ways to solve and they need good people who have strong intention and motivation to find out the solution, get colleagues to support and have plans to act and finally the process can be offered by the team to the world.


Review Pecha Kucha#3 20 March 2022


Women have power to work more than 3 tasks at the same time. The quality of their works never dissappoint others. They are strong, they are tough and they are excellence in their versions as female.

Hello and I am back to give review on the other great team who in specific have powerful point to move and to show action. They act out they don't talk only. They are :

1. Tim Finansial: Financial related to money and some of us are difficult to manage money in our family. Budgeting becomes a challenge and how to be good at managing financial is the concern of tim Finansial, It is tricky but there is always ways and strategies to apply. Overall, the team get 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Tim Thama 01: Caring and how to help are parts of women's attention to take action and to improve the quality of religious activity by mutual cooperation and run small business to support the activities. The team has proved that by running a business there's always way to get some green boxes to fund the education. Overall, the team gets 10 in desining the video and it also gets 10 for the message.

3. Tim Jernih: Another way to take action in community is to take part in the problem solving. The team has already started to take their action in managing the waste, they campaign the 5 R and they also held some offline activities to educate their members and surroundings. Overall, the team gets 10 in designing the video and it also gets 10 for the message.


WFH Year #1

 UNEXPECTED EVENTS It's not about how long you dedicate yourself to show your best performance. It's all about how you put and treat...