Kamis, 31 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #14 31 March 2022


Here are the other six teams who have different projects and activities.

1.  Kunthi Arsitowati, Tim Shining Star

The team concern on how to develop themselves and how to give beneficial productivity to their surrounding. Moreover, the team see that by using technology, the productivity will be getting easier. Productive, beneficial and happy mothers.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Garsinia, KiFaGa
Kifaga team concerns on dream family who support each others. In fact, the bonding of thei relationship is substituted by technology (smart phone). More family should know that they are the place to get together and how to give good impact to their surrounding. The team has projects how to develop activities that share laughter and happines. The team has projects by produced activity games for family. They also have sharing class. In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3.Maunah, Tafko.id.
Here is the team who concern on how to invite children to memorize qur'an in a fun and relax way. Their concern is how to invite without making the children angry to learn, share and memorize qur'an. They have classes online and share information via media social.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4.Rima Melanie, Griya Acita

Here is the team who see that educational children (7 to 10 years) on the condition of Pandemic Covid 19. They want to build a home with full of activities (knowledge, attitude and skill). There are events to invite the children to be active and productive.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

5.  Ratna Chandra Sari, Rumah Talenta

Rumah talenta is another project from the team. They concern on how mothers who work in public turned to domestic mothers. This condition needs motivation to do all works and to be able to do their hobbies as me time. Self confidence is the basic need to build women self actualization. meanwhile mindset is the centre to lead all of our activities than it will grows better. The team has project on how to develop woments' talent and have some events to show feel independet.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 

6Siti Khoiriyah, Ruberi

The next team is Ruberi team. The team concerns on how to develop good happy team in family and how to improve productivity both in family and our selves. happiness becomes the team focus and how to manage inside the family. Ruang berbenah diri is a projects to improve selft quality life.  In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

7. Asih Gunawan. Wiguna Oase

Wiguna Oase is a team who take role in financial management and no poverty anymore. Their concern on this because the number of poverty in Indonesia is bigger. Structural proverty is their concern. Their project develop financial independent. Their focus on business such as culinary or others. In general, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.



#Review #14

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