Kamis, 31 Maret 2022

Review PECHA KUCHA #13 30 March 2022


1. Firdausiah adinta, Baitin Jannati HomeTeam

The team who wants to develop a nice home with productive and solid family. The team focuses on how to develop religious lessons for family members. They practice their challenges and held some events to improve good quality of hometeam. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

2. Ani Nursyamsiah, Ngompos
 Olah Sampah Organik Sendiri is the team movement on how to find soulution in waste management. From the incidents of thet have seen around their neighborhood, The team consider to take action on how to manage organic garbage. The team wants to take action to manage and does activities based on their need, they also select different kinds of garbages both organic and unorganic. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

3. Adistiyar, Tim Dapur Genta

Nutrition is the team concern to be their project. Mothers become the family nutritionist. They have big roles to take reponsible to feed their family with balancaed food. Diet pattern for the member families are based on their eating habits. From this point of view, the team concerns on how to manage good habits in consuming good food halal and good for the body. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message.

4. Gina Arina Uswatun Chasanah, Risalah Langit

The team concerns on how to learn God's love in daily life activities. They concern on how to apply Qur'an and Hadits to be parts of life. Their project focuses in muslim education and the application their life based on the qur'an and sunnah. In short, the team gets 8 in designing the video and it gets 10 for the message. 



#Review #13

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