Sabtu, 19 Maret 2022

Review Pecha Kucha #1 18 March 2022

 Side by side working together in team for a better tomorrow

Does Pecha Kucha ring your bell? This is my first experience having an assignment to design a set of pictures with the message in just 6 minutes and 40 seconds. It is challenging, isn't it? Well every team has ideas to explore and they have their own characteristics to explain their projects in a short time, must have got effort to find ideas and explore them in a completed simple explanation.


Day 1: 18 March 2022

1. Kata Pena. In general, Kata Pena has shown good performance and explain the project in a simple but clear message. The need to be brave and take action by understanding women self confidence. Overall, Kata Pena gets 8 in designing the video and 10 for the message. 

2. Omah Project. The team consists of famiy members who synergize one to another. The message that the team wants to share is how to apply family healthy lifestyle. Overall, Omah project gets 8 in designing the video meanwhile, it gets 10 for the message.

3. Hello Healthy. The team has got clear message about diet and how to maintain healthy lifestyle. Based on the data, the team pay attention to women's overweight, explains clear the impact of obesity. Hello Healthy gets 10 in designing the video while it gets 10 for the message.

#Review #1

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