Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

NEC Boost Your EKSIS#1

NEC Boost Your EKSIS #1
Akademik Seminar#4
National English Centre
Academic department
24 January 2018

RESUME Academic Seminar#4
Pembicara : Mr. Hanri Basel
Topic: NEC Education System: How to make qualified Method in Teaching and Learning Activities
 day/Date: Tuesday, January 23 2018
Time: 11.00- 12.20

 Explaining on the academic seminar, the speaker stated that there are three points of target on yesterday's topic; Part 1; The background, Part 2: Learning and Prat 3: Method Model. The target of the Seminar is to accomplish benefits for the Students' Satisfaction, to get qualified teachers and to boost NEC welfare in general.

The speaker explains the reasons of yesterday's discussion. The first is National English Centre is a company that give excellent service for all clients especially students. One point that becomes a focus is how to get customers' satisfaction. Next, the teacher as the center of the successful a class activities, so it is very important to produce qualified teachers and the last is to support the successful of a program so the standardized method must be put in a high priority.  At the end, it is hoped that when we have qualified method, we are going to make the company to reach welfare.

Theory of learning 
  •  Theory of learning The theory consists of Heart and Brain. Heart covers religion, psychology and medical points of view. Meanwhile, The brain are based on the theory of Triune Brain and Multiple Intelligences. In addition, 
  •  Theory of Language It consists of definition, component and meaning.The definition of Language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by people of a particular country or region for talking or writing (collins: Then, the component of language are sounds, phonology, morphology, syntax,  semantics, pragmatic. The last is Meaning that means there is an agreement to express and response utterances, for instance, "How are you? "I'm fine".
  •   Theory of Language Learning The theory of language learning has three points to share. First is Oral and habit formation. Then, fluency and Self confidence and the last is teaching principle (Brown: 2001)
Method Model
The common way of teaching method that we can apply in class including Opening, Main Activity and Closing. All of the theories that have already been explained above are applied in each stage. Multiple Intelligence can be applied in a variety activities to make students' participate and feel comfortable during the lesson activities. In addition, The Triune Brain involves students' heart and brain in three ways; students have to be in a secured condition before starting the lesson. When they feel secured, they will feel comfortable to accept the lesson while the teacher is in action. And finally, when they are secured and feel comfortable, they will think by listening to the teacher's explanation, taking part in practice session and  have full confident to follow the production stage. In closing stage, teachers give feedback based on the topic and general class' performance.

In general, the method that is standardized and continuously developed will give a good result to the clients, so more discussion on how to make successful indicators of teaching method should be conducted to get a mutual agreement among academic teacher team, either for children, teenagers, and adults. Improvement should be found and applied to reach the target.

1. Charles. A. Curran Counseling-Learning in Second Language. 1976. Illinois: Apple River Press
2. Elaine B. Johnson. CTL: Contextual teaching and Learning. 2002. California: Corwin Press
3. H. Douglas Brown. Teaching by principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2001. Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education
4. W. Grady. et.all. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. 1997. Third Edition. New York: St. Martin's Press

#NEC Boost Your EKSIS

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