Minggu, 28 Januari 2018


NEC Boost Your EKSIS #1
Academic Training#HELP
National English Centre
Refresher Course-Basic Nurse
27 January 2018


 New team, new energy to succeed the program is a way to improve the quality of client service. The Branch has hold Refresher Course for HELP program with brand new teacher. Giving a brief guidance on how to teach HELP material in Basic level, the facilitators will have sufficient material to be presented in classroom activities. Based on the last academic seminar  (4th session) related to serve clients' need, so there are three points of topics to be discussed in the training:

Topic Discussion
09.00 – 09.50
PART 1: Administration
1.    starting a chat with client/staff
2.    Administration Discipline
3.    Situation in Client site
4.    Notification
5.    Expectation
09.50 – 10.20
PART 2: Method
1.    Theory of Learning
2.    Theory of language and language learning
3.    Model Method
10.20 – 12.30
Syllabus Material Development
1.    Objectives of Each Unit
2.    Points to teach in class
3.    Three stages of teaching activities
12.30 – 13.30
13.30 – 14.40
Peer Teaching:
Mr. Witra
Ms. Shisi
Ms. Tia
14.40 – 15.10
Mid Term Test and Final Term Test Socialization
Native speaker
15.10 – 15.15

The material of Refresher Course were presented in a discussion session where the trainer confirmed the  participants according to their previous HELP activities. The first part was important to socialize in order to ensure the team to be aware to the unpredictable situation and they would be alert when the client need some specific data related to the relationship, learning report, attendance list, and the facilitator attendance.
Meanwhile, the second part of the training is talking about method that should be applied in the class activity that taken from the NEC Educational system (SOFTENER, Triune Brain, Multiple Intelligence). The essential training from the previous material given in the event was Syllabus Material Development. Each topic in the module was discussed on how to present it in the class activities, including the games or activities in the socialization.  
The next activity after ISHOMA was Peer Teaching session, 

The first facilitator who performed was Mr. Witra. He taught about giving procedure. Starting by asking the students how to operate Saving card in Auto Teller Machine (ATM), he did the brainstorming activity. He, then, Explains the markers and explained about how to take vital signs. In general, It can be seen clearly that he did the stages of teaching well. Then, he talked about one of procedures that the nurses did; Vital signs. He showed a model dialog and did the practice session and the last he did the production stage. 

In general, Making a plan before teaching is important for the facilitator to present a topic. In fact, when there is a different way of teaching in a real class, so the role of him is to make a learning report to give an explanation on how he develop the material that is probably different from the plan that has already made before.
 After the first facilitator, the second one was Ms. Shisi who performed a topic about Offering something. From the first until the last stages, She has shown good teaching. She stress on expressions used in offering something. She also practices dialog by showing a model dialog. The last activity that she did was playing a game. 

In general, The flow of teaching that she has already performed was good. The speed of her voice is slow enough so students could follow the lesson.

The last but not least was the brand new teacher who performed the teaching about asking complaint. The topic was taken from the unit 1 of the module. She tried to give a short of activity in socialization. Then she continued to present the topic by reading aloud of a dialog in Page 3. The last stage, she played a game (messy word) before the class dismissed.

In general, She should be given more practice teaching in adult classes. By observing a class before she teaches in a real one will help her to orientate the condition of what she is going to have. More briefings should be given for her as one of the supervision from the Branch Coordinator to keep the quality good among the facilitators and especially for the clients' need.

The last part of a whole training was the socialization of motivation session by distributing the questionnaire. Besides, the discussion was also about evaluation set activities both in Mid Term Test and Final Term Test by inviting the native speaker. 

The project would be lasted only a week where it will be only short course that the collaborating among the facilitators is crucial to be built in achieving the best result of the target learning at the end of the term.

1.Rachmat Hidayat dan Rita Fithra Dewi. Basic English for Nurse. 2012. Jakarta: NGS Press.
2. Ros Wright and Bethany Cagnol. English for Nursing 1. Edinburgh. Pearson Eductaion Limited. 2012
3. H. Douglas Brown. Teaching by principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2001. Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education

#BASIC Level – NURSE Class
#BOGOR Branch
#27 January 2018

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