Senin, 13 September 2021

Bunda Salihah #4 Review on Determining Goals and Resources



A thing begun is half done

What we do is going to be our performance and it will be part of our identity. It seems all right to work by all our selves but it will be much better to work together in an organized system. The beneficial points from working together can give good impact not only to the individual point of view but also to the whole of members' progress work. Everyone in a team supports each other, move ahead and continuously show the best are parts of Growth Mindset. 

On this Review part, I have got my buddy from IP kediri, Her name is Ms. Istiqomah and she has a powerful team named, IBU BARIS. As we completed our team Goals and Resources last two weeks, we have to give a feedback to our buddy. It is a comprehensive work as I must observe her team and her team work carefully and to give a proportional and supportive feedback need a good point of view to share. Let us start one by one.

1. How effective the application of SMART method in determining the team goal
I am interested on the team as they could describe each letter in SMART and it reveals their prospective working performance. The details of SMART method is described well. In addition, the scope of their focus is specific, the goals are organized and measurable, The range of activities are attainable as they are relevant to the goal. It covers the time span of both short and long term program.

2. What kinds of process can be seen when the team determine the milestone to reach the goal
It clearly seen that each milestone has the time schedule and the target goals. Moreover, step by step activity is supported to each other's topic. 

3. Parts of the good points and parts should be improved
The good parts of the team is group working and each individual member has role and tasks to do to support the big target of their project. That what the team needs to improve their quality performance. On the other hand, parts should be improved is the commitment of each member to stick together and fulfill their tasks based on their role.

So, everyone of us should be able to work in group and contribute based on our interest and capacity. Commitment, consistency and work focus will  bound the relationship and will show in every group performance. It is true "A thing begun is half done", meaning that a good beginning makes it easier to accomplish the rest of the project. The last thing I want to share is teaming up is very crucial for a better tomorrow.


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